Monday, May 19, 2014

Women We Love: Cher Horowitz

Having mentors and women we admire is important at any stage in life. Confidantes, whether your best friend or the lady who waxes your hoo-ha, are essential. It's important work to surround yourself with positive and inspiring people. In the series "Women We Love," I plan to highlight women, real and fictional, who have something valuable and positive to share.

Our first installment is a lighthearted nod to a role model we millenials grew up with, Cher Horowitz of Clueless. If you were a 90s child you can quote along to this little gem. Cher was coming of age in the film, and that means her ideas about the world and herself were being tested and expanded. We are self-centered as children, it's actually a sign of proper development. As teens we start to see the good and the bad in the world and in ourselves. We begin to filter out what we believe from all the noise.

Based on Jane Austen's "Emma", Cher takes a fellow teen under her wing to mentor her. It would be more appropriate for them to grow together, but as step-brother cutey Josh says, he's impressed she found someone more clueless than her.

With all the laughs, there are some real nuggets of wisdom she offers in her "makeover" sessions, ones that I think are simple enough for us to apply to ourselves today:

OK, from now on we're alternating Cindy Crawford's "Aerobicise" and "Buns of Steel", and reading one non-school book a week. My first book is "Fit or Fat"..
Mine is "Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus".
Good. Now that takes care of our minds and bodies, but we should do something good for mankind or the planet for a couple of hours. 

The scene is hilarious, the whole thing is golden. Watch/Rewatch it on Netflix. 

Okay let's boil down her advice:
1. Read from one non-school/work book each week
2. Do some form of exercise every day
3. Do something good for others/the planet every day 

The third can seem daunting, but little acts of kindness, being mindful about the products you use and businesses you support or taking shorter showers can be your "something good."

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